This is who I am.

For I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live, but Christ lives in ME.
The life I live in the body, I live by FAITH in the Son of God who loved me and GAVE Himself up for me.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A day in the woods :)

Saturday afternoon we went to a friend's party out in the woods.  
I took my little booger along, PJ.  He was a hit of the party.  LOTS of attention from everybody is what cute little puppies get.

He also made lots of new friends!  The kids just loved playing with him and pulling him around and he enjoyed chasing them!  

However, he found out that kids don't run out of energy like us grow-ups do.  They just keep going and going and going....

And going and going and going and going and...
You get the point.  

He was EXHAUSTED.  He took several long naps during the afternoon.  After chasing the youngins around for a while he had to just come and climb in momma's lap.  

Not that I minded. :)

Ian, the boy in the blue enjoyed him too.  Ian has autism and is so sweet.  He loved introducing EVERYBODY to PJ.  He just couldn't believe he was only 8 weeks old either!

Needless to say, we had a good time. PJ had tons of fun and the kids had tons of fun and it was just a good time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. 

God is so good!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My first flowers :)

Yes, my first bouquet of flowers ever received from someone.  I have gotten flowers before but they weren't exactly GIFTED...just given because they were left over from valentine's day.  
However, this valentine's day, I arrived at work to find that the most beautiful bouquet had been delivered...for ME!!  
And not only that, but they were from my sweetie!  
It was FABULOUS!! 

I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear and it kept a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

The roses were beautiful. I swore I never wanted to see a rose again after working valentine's and mother's day at a flower shop, but these roses were so different...not your typical rose.  So perfect :)

There were also some of these....don't really know what they are, but they add so much color to the arrangement!!  I'm such a fan of that florist!!  

And man knew just what I like.  Daisies.  My favorite flower.  Ohhh it was so perfect <3

Now I'm just having fun taking pictures of these beautiful flowers. :) What else is a girl to do? :)

Have you noticed yet that I like smiley's??  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Well, this valentine's day gift REALLY made me smile :)

God Bless!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tonight my sweetie invited me to go to his church's annual Valentine's banquet.  It was great fun, great food and great company.  

My favorite part about it was that it brought the whole concept of Valentine's Day, LOVE, back to the ULTIMATE lover.  Jesus Christ, who gave His own LIFE so that we could live in freedom and peace.

There are SOOOO many Bible verses about God and His love for us. 

The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  
Psalm 145:8

For God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish forever but have eternal life. 
John 3:16

Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39

There is a song that we sang in Church this morning AND at the banquet tonight and I'm so glad we did.  It's one of my favorite songs! The lyrics are so powerful and so true.

He is jealous for me, 
loves like a hurricane, I am tree, 
bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden 
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great Your affections are for me.

And Oh, how He loves us
Oh, Oh how He loves us
How He loves us all

Yeah He loves us, Oh how He loves us
Oh how He loves us, Oh how He loves

We are His portion and He is our prize
drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking
So Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
and my heart turns violently in my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the way

He loves us, OH how He loves us
Oh how He loves us
How He loves us all.

YES, He loves us, oh how He loves us
OH how He loves us
Oh how He loves.

I hope that if you don't know Him or His love, you will come to know that.  It's the best thing that can ever happen to you .  I pray you will find His love. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My new baby

Just the other day, we finally got to bring our Pooky puppy home to stay.  

Mom got to meet him for the first time.

He warmed right up :)

Once he left the other puppies his personality started coming out right away. He get sooo excited when I come home.

Let me stress the ME part of that. 

He cried all monday night cause I didn't get home til later.

He doesn't like anyone if I'm not there.

Ok, well maybe that's exaggerating just little...but it is true that he wouldn't stop yelping when I wasn't there monday night. 

I must say though:  he lived.

He also yelps when he has to go into the crate at night. He doesn't like not being able to get to me.  The first night he yelped ALL NIGHT. 

I'm thinking this is good training for when I am a mother of a human child.  I have heard the first 2 weeks you might as well not think about getting enough sleep.


The first night, he didn't hardly hush all night. 
The second night it was better.
Last night he went to sleep and I didn't really hear him at all, all night. 

But when the sun rises, he has to GO...if ya know what I mean.  

So I get up, put a jacket on and slip the crocs on at the door. Thankfully it's AFTER the sun has lit up the sky...I'm not a fan of getting up when it's still dark...actually, scratch that...I'm not a fan of getting up in the morning at all!!  
12:30 is more like it. 
But life demands I don't do that, except on saturdays.

Oh but wait...I have to take him to his vets appointment this saturday morning.


I guess this is all just part of being a mommy.

I must admit though, at the end of the day, it's all worth it :)

I'm already in love with this baby <3