WOW! Haven't posted in a while. Life just gets that way sometimes ya know....
Of course, I know that no one reads my blog so it doesn't really matter. :P
ANYWAY... last weekend was my favorite weekend of the year.
The one weekend when part of this small town of Tallahassee becomes horsy wonderland.
The one weekend when Red Hills Horse Trials happens!!
It's the best :)
I see so many people I know, meet lots of other people and just get to be around horses ALLLL day long. :)
It's also a great venue for taking pictures!
This is my favorite Equestrian, Karen O'Connor. She's what other equestrians call an "immortal." She's just that good :)
Because Red Hills is a 3 day Event, each day is a different phase of the weekend competition.
Friday is Dressage. A test of the horse and rider's control, grace, elegance, and training. It can be boring to watch if you don't know what they're doing but even then the beauty of what it is is stunning to watch.
On Saturday, they had a special mini-show of Paso-Fino horses. A spanish breed that has a natural 4-beat gait that is smooth and comfortable as ever. My precious CJ is of this special breed. Riding a Paso will really spoil you. :)
Saturday is the Cross-Country phase of the competition. The phase that consists of a 2 1/2 mile course to test the stamina and speed (and GUTS!) of the horse and rider.
You seriously have to be on the verge of crazy to jump some of these!!
This is Karen O'Connor with one of her horses she brought this year: Quintus 54. :)
And these....these sorry bums....I had to hang out with them all day Saturday.
They sure are sorry aren't they?? Unfortunately, they're both so precious to me I just can't let them go. :P
Day 3 of Red Hills is the Stadium Jumping competition. A graceful and elegant show. The horses and riders have to complete the small course without knocking down any of the poles on the jumps. It's my favorite of the 3. It's just a beautiful and simple performance. :)
ok, so I just couldn't resist here.
Tell me you didn't see the thought bubble too!!
I was tickled at this adorable horse. Every time he jumped he would flick his tail straight up in the air. So adorable. :)
And talking about two men are pretty dang adorable and I love them dearly.
Even if they are bums.