This is who I am.

For I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live, but Christ lives in ME.
The life I live in the body, I live by FAITH in the Son of God who loved me and GAVE Himself up for me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bedroom cleaning Step 1


This pile of mess.....

Yes, this....

This is my bedroom.

Here are my excuses:

Excuse #1) I am hardly EVER at home because of school, work and other events in my life.

Excuse #2) When I AM at home, I never have the time to do anything except do homework, occasionally clean the dishes, and check my facebook....
I mean... please. I HAVE to check my facebook SOMETIME!!
It's essential to my well-being!

Excuse #3) Because I am so busy, I'm usually tired...and exhausted when I arrive at the house, therefore I feel like doing nothing less than going straight to bed
and being lazy.
SO, I change into my cozy PJ's and leave the clothes worn that day right there on the floor where they dropped. 
And I don't pick them up.
That's just how the cookie crumbles!!  

Then before I know it, it looks like that.

SO. Now that I have told you about my 3 TOTALLY reasonable excuses, I must now begin my DRA (Dirty Rooms Anonymous) procedures.

1) Admit that I am a slob.

I am a slob

2) Ask myself what things I might do to fix this problem.

Ummm....clean the room?


3) Think about the things I might do to prevent this from happening over and over.

Already tried it...

never works. 

Pick up after I get home?? Are you kidding??

Ok, well maybe I am a hopeless slob. 

But atleast I'm trying. 

The thing I'm gonna use to get this thing cleaned up is the key:
Start Small.

First thing I did, (just because I had the few minutes and it was bothering me) was to take the unnecessary posters and pictures off the wall.
See, I have a record of being a wall slob too.
I eliminated most of the wall slobbiness a while back, but I have some new pictures I want to put up so I did it again. 

I moved all the posters I like and don't want to get rid of, into one section of the wall, behind where the door comes in. Then I took the other stuff I don't need on the wall down. 

So there, that is step one. 

Now onto step 2.

God Bless!

-Bex :)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Last night, my dear sweetie and I had a once in a lifetime experience.  It was the celebration of my birthday present from him.

George Strait, Reba McIntire and LeAnn Womack!!  

Best show I've ever been to...and it wasn't even a big show! They just sang!

The difference between these and other "country" music stars these days is for one, that they sing COUNTRY music. It's not pop, it's not rock, it's country. Pure and simple. They don't have to put on a show or use all these fancy screens and props, all they have to do is go out there and sing. 

And it's totally worth it!

LeeAnn Started. That woman can SANG.  

Yes, SANG. S-A-N-G.  Taylor Swift SINGS (and not very well at that.) 
LeeAnn's not the most popular, but she is a super star in my book. Such a talented lady. 

And then...THE queen.

REBIZZLE!!! (as Barbara Jean calls her...)
And GUESS who was there?  Melissa Peterman, Barbara Jean herself!!!  I don't have any pictures...I was too busy taking video....funniest thing ever. I love that woman.

But yes...Reba. The woman looks dang good for her age.  I don't even know how old she is, I can't even guess cause she doesn't look it!

AND...she can SANG too. She ain't called the queen of country for nothing!

Reba's last song. She was "Taxied" out to the stage in a cute little retro taxi and had on a scarlet dancing dress. Can you guess which song she sang?

That's right, Fancy :)  

The best rendition of Fancy I do believe I've ever heard. 

Then there was an intermission.
I got my King George T-shirt, then Jojo and I decided to walk around the civic center just for kicks. About halfway around through all the drunks and numerous people in line for beer, we came upon a large crowd gathered around something. Get up to it and turns out some crazy drunk woman was throwing punches at another crazy drunk woman and a security guard had the first crazy drunk woman on the ground in handcuffs.  (whew!! So many crazy drunk women!!)
There were many more crazy drunk people than I usually like to see in one place. Really, I don't like seeing ANY crazy drunk people, but they'll always be there. 

THEN just as we got back to our seats, the lights dimmed and then BANG!! THE KING.

He's such a cowboy. I love it. :)
He doesn't put on a show, he's just there. And somehow it's better than anything I've seen. he doesn't need to put on a show, he's just George and he sings. That's all he has to do.

The stage was in the middle of the auditorium and there were 4 corners with mics.  Did he walk around the stage and sing and point and wave and everything?  No!  He goes to one mic, sings a few songs. Next mic, sing a few songs. Next mic, sing a few, next mic, next mic, etc. etc. etc. It was great! 

His band was fabulous too. The average age for them all was probably over 55. No young guys here!  There was one younger guy who played the keyboards.  The best thing about having all those older men is that they know what REAL country is.  Over half of them were wearing cowboy hats too and all but the backup singers were from somewhere in Texas. Pure country. 

George was the best out of everyone there. I would pay to go see him all the time if I could. His show is worth every penny.
I'm so glad I have the best sweetie in the world who buys us tickets to go and takes me and we have the best time. I'm such a blessed girl!!!

God Bless!

-Bex :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A new beginning

Hello and welcome to my new blog!  I had another, but I had posted a special blog about my most favorite pet ever, my dog Spooky....then just hours after I posted it, he began having seizures and by the next afternoon, he was gone. It was very traumatic and hard.  It was too hard to post something else after that crazy event, so I wrote one last post. About the experience of that whole thing. Then I renamed it "The Spooky Blog".  

But I still want to blog, so I made this one!!

SOON and very soon, we will be welcoming another member to our family.
A very SPECIAL new member since the passing of Spooky.  

His own son!

See any resemblance?

:) Probably not yet. The puppies are still only 4 weeks old.

Ain't they cute? 

I agree. 

BUT, we can't take little Takoda home yet. A couple more weeks! :)

God Bless!
